Tabletop Exercises for a Tornado

The skies had already turned dark, now they are getting an eerie green cast and the radio is telling you to seek shelter.
The hail comes first, then it sounds like a freight train is going by at 60 miles-per-hour. The windows start to blow out...
Tornado for Banks
Overview: The Crisis Management Team of a commercial banking institution is without its leader when a tornado hits its headquarters building. The building is damaged, employees are injured and their cars are destroyed. The surrounding area is a disaster. Emergency personnel are overwhelmed. How will your CMT handle this disaster? Put your team to the test.
Exercise Focus: Emergency Response / Crisis Communications / Business Resumption
Tornado for General Business
Overview: The Crisis Management Team of a medium sized business is without its leader when a tornado hits their building. The building is damaged, employees are injured and their cars are destroyed. The surrounding area is a disaster. Emergency personnel are overwhelmed. How will your CMT handle this disaster? Put your team to the test.
Exercise Focus: Emergency Response / Crisis Communications
Tornado for Insurance Companies
Overview: You are a CMT member for a large insurance company. As the sky turns from black to dark green your hear the weather warning that a tornado is heading towards your office building. Before you can even think . . .
Exercise Focus: Emergency Response / Crisis Communications / Public Relations
Tornado for Universities and Colleges
Overview: You are a member of the University's Crisis Management Team. You have a major event with a high profile speaker taking place on campus. Maintaining order is tough enough when a tornado hits the campus. Now the real chaos begins. How would your team handle such a disaster, especially with injured students and staff along with damaged infrastructure?
Exercise Focus: Emergency Response / Crisis Communications / Public Relations