Lighting Management & Maintenance Magazine

Business Continuity Planning from the Perspective of the Pandemic

by Bob Mellinger, CEO & Founder of Attainium Corp

Post-pandemic Business Continuity Planning -- How the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic should influence your existing business continuity plan. Or provide insight and guidance if you are developing a new one.

Click here for the full publication (see pages 12-13)


Associations Now Daily newsletter

How the Delta Variant Should Factor Into Your Return-to-Office Plans

by Rasheeda Childress, Associate Editor at Associations Now

Many offices had planned to return to work this fall, but the surge in COVID-19 infections due to the Delta variant is forcing many organizations to consider delaying. Experts, like Bob Mellinger, CEO of Attainium Corp, offer advice on how to factor Delta into your reopening plans.

Click here for the full article


Associations Now Daily newsletter

Apply Pandemic Lessons to Evolve and Improve your Business Continuity Plan

by Rasheeda Childress, Associate Editor at Associations Now

It has been nearly a year since associations began implementing continuity plans due to COVID-19 closures. Now, those plans must adapt to face new challenges, such as weather crises—like those in Texas—when workforces are more remote. Bob Mellinger, CEO of Attainium Corp, shares insights on how to look forward after looking back.

Click here for the full article


BBB National Programs

Podcast: Business Continuity in Times of Crisis

from BBB National Programs Podcasts

Not that long ago, none of us would have guessed we’d have to manage a pandemic. One thing we can learn from this is that being prepared for any surprise is imperative. Bob Mellinger of Attainium Corp, @Attainium, shares insights on how to plan for the unexpected.

Listen & share!


Matrix Group International

Webinar: Crisis Management for Your Meetings and Events

Hosted by Matrix Group International

Recently, Bob Mellinger, @Attainium, joined Joanna Pineda, @MatrixGroup, for a webinar - Crisis Management for Your Meetings and Events - where we shared a solid framework for managing crises & making tough decisions about your upcoming meetings.

Watch & share!


In Case of Emergency

By Rachel Carter

A crisis management plan doesn’t prepare for every possible emergency; it prepares people to respond in a way that will help protect the life, safety, and security of event attendees.

Click here for the full article

Keeping a Meeting Safe Means Thinking of Everything

By John Buchanan

Check out this excellent article in Association Conventions & Facilities, with insight from Attainium's Bob Mellinger, about the importance of being prepared for catastrophic events at association conventions and trade shows.

Don't Just Make a Plan -- Use It!

You probably have an event contingency plan for every conference or large event that you do. The question is, after the plan is complete, what do you do with it? If you're not focusing on training and awareness before the event, you could be in trouble if you actually have to use the plan.

Preparing to Face Today's Risks & Hazards: Is Your Organization Ready?

Knowing What to do Before, During and After a Disaster is the Key to Continuity of Operations. Organizations today need a comprehensive, integrated plan in place to protect people, property, technology, and, to the greatest degree possible, their reputation and financial viability in the face of a myriad of risks. Your disaster response and business continuity plans should cover as much as feasible and make business recovery possible. Overriding all, however, is personal safety and the need to preserve life. These are always the top priorities.

A Planned Approach to Event Communications

Given the natural disasters and terrorist activity of the past several years, any organization that runs events should be prepared for anything that could happen. Check out this article, published in ENGAGE Magazine from MPI Potomac, written by Bob Mellinger of Attainium Corp.

PCMA POWER Chapter --- The Disaster Experience QuickFire with Bob Mellinger

On October 13th, 25 PCMA professionals gathered for lunch at The Kimpton Schofield Hotel in downtown Cleveland to participate in a Disaster Experience QuickFire conducted by Bob Mellinger, President of Attainium.