Conduct It Yourself Tabletop Exercises
Browse the available exercises by Industry or Scenario
Cost-Effective. A Conduct it Yourself Tabletop Exercise is a complete tabletop exercise delivered as a role-play scenario. Participants are put in the throes of a real-life disaster situation, as it unfolds, making critical decisions and dealing with the consequences of those decisions. Each complete tabletop exercise is just $595.
Complete and Professional. Each Conduct it Yourself Tabletop Exercise includes everything you need - an exercise overview, how-to instructions, forms, script, and a ready-to-run PowerPoint slide show with all of the incidents, scenarios, and guidelines for post-exercise discussion and debriefing. Using a Conduct It Yourself Tabletop Exercise is the quickest and most cost-effective way to deliver a professional tabletop exercise.
Easy to Customize. Conduct the exercise "as is" or customize it to meet your particular testing objectives. To change the storyline, simply edit the Exercise Slides using PowerPoint. To modify the Background Materials, just edit the document in Word. You can even update the exercise Timeline using Excel.
Conduct in less than 4 hours. Conduct It Yourself Tabletop Exercises are designed to take between 3 and 4 hours to conduct but feel free to modify them to fit your available time slot. The following is a sample agenda:
- 30 minutes - Exercise Overview including objectives, ground rules, and scenario setup
- 80 to 100 minutes - Actual disaster simulation exercise
- 30 minutes - Group review and preparation for the debriefing
- 60 minutes - Debriefing
- 15 minutes - Wrap-up
Numerous Industries and Unique Storylines. Our catalog of Conduct it Yourself Tabletop Exercises continues to grow. Each exercise is a specific scenario targeting a specific industry. For example, an Association responding to a gas main explosion or a Law Firm dealing with a workplace hostage situation. If you cannot find your specific industry, look by scenario (threat or hazard) for the best fit for your exercise objectives. Customizing the storyline for your organization, locale, facilities, etc. is simple and easy.
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As simple as it gets. A Conduct It Yourself Tabletop Exercise is the easiest and most cost-effective way to test and exercise your Business Continuity, Emergency Response, or Disaster Recovery Planning with a minimum of time, resources, and dollars.
Invest in the Test.