Tabletop Exercises for Fraud and Sabotage

Your day starts with connectivity issues with your branch offices.
Customers are complaining about credit card fraud and money missing from their account. The media is calling and the FBI has just walked in.
Fraud & Sabotage for Banks
Overview: Participants are the management team of a fictional bank. The day starts with connectivity problems between your main server and the bank's branches, customers are reporting being the victims of credit card fraud, missing money from customer's accounts, erroneous media reports, panicked depositors and the FBI request for records - how would a team handle such a disaster, especially with your staff leaving to pick up their kids from school because of a raging fire at a local landfill. See how your management staff will respond.
Exercise Focus: Crisis Management / Continuity of Operations / Media Relations
Fraud & Sabotage for Credit Unions
Overview: Participants are the management team of a fictional credit union. The day starts with connectivity problems between your main server and the credit union's branches, members are reporting being the victims of credit card fraud, missing money from member's accounts, erroneous media reports, panicked depositors and the FBI request for records - how would a team handle such a disaster, especially with your staff leaving to pick up their kids from school because of a raging fire at a local landfill. See how your management staff will respond.
Exercise Focus: Crisis Management / Continuity of Operations / Media Relations