How does an organization keep a meeting/event running when a disruption occurs? By executing its Crisis Response Plan. But first, you must have one. Learn the types of disruptions that can affect a meeting or an event and how to develop a strategy to handle these unforeseen occurrences. We will discuss Crisis Management vs. Emergency Response, the principles of emergency management, the components of a good Meeting/Event Crisis Response Plan and how to get started.
Session participants will:
- Understand the five phases of emergency management and how they apply to Event Crisis Response Planning
- Learn the components of a Crisis Response Plan and how to develop one;
- “Be exposed” to the Threats and Hazards that can impact an organization;
- Understand the importance of creating, maintaining, and testing an Event Crisis Response Plan;
- Discuss lessons learned from both previously experienced disasters and future disasters that could affect their organization.
Program Outline:
- Crisis Management vs. Emergency Response
- Principles of Emergency Management
- Threats & Hazards
- What’s in an Event Crisis Response Plan
- How to Develop a Plan
- Q & A
- Resources & Wrapup
Length: 60 to 90 minutes
Audience: This session is positioned for any level attendee.