This 1/2 day workshop will take you through the steps necessary to develop YOUR Business Continuity Plan. Each participant will use their own organization's information. We'll start by identifying your critical infrastructure, prioritizing your key business functions then analyzing the impact of various disruptions on these business functions. From there we'll move on to developing your emergency response procedures and disaster recovery plans. Finally we'll determine the schedules and policies for ongoing maintenance, staff awareness programs and plan testing & exercising. Upon completion of this workshop, you'll have the basics of a business continuity plan tailored to your organization. Just take it back to the office, expand on what you created and execute the resulting schedules and policies.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify YOUR critical infrastructure and key business functions
- Determine YOUR risk and the impact on YOUR business in the event of a disruption
- Develop YOUR emergency response procedures
- Plan for YOUR disaster recovery
- Walk away with the framework of a Business Continuity Plan for YOUR organization
Workshop Outline:
- Overview of Business Continuity Principles and Methodology
- Risk & Business Impact Analysis
- Emergency Response Planning
- Operational Recovery Planning
- Staff Awareness Programs
- Ongoing Maintenance
- Plan Testing and Exercising
- Scheduling and Project Management
- How to proceed from here...
Length: 3 ½ hours
Audience: This session is designed for mid to upper level managers (or groups of managers) with a working knowledge of their organization’s business and infrastructure.