Business Continuity NewsBriefs - July 18, 2018
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management.
Workplace Violence - Recognize, Prevent & Beyond
July 18, 2018 - With the increase in workplace violence, we are almost not surprised to turn on the news and find out about a new incident. The recent shootings at the Capital newspaper in Annapolis are only one example of such an event. The questions we need to answer are how to recognize the signs, what to do about preventing such violence, and what needs to be done following a violent incident. These articles can help provide those answers.
"Violence in the workplace is the kind of subject we don’t want to think about. We want to believe it happens only to other people."
-- Charles Labig PhD, corporate psychologist --
1. Increase Workplace Wellness to Decrease Workplace Violence
Companies have almost universally instituted policies prohibiting any type of workplace violence. While these measures have undoubtedly had a positive impact in reducing the levels of some workplace violence, it is clear from the statistics that they don't go far enough. The author believes that these policies miss the mark by primarily aiming to control the symptoms of workplace violence rather than addressing the underlying issues that contribute to it.
2. What companies can do to combat workplace violence
The violent incident at Google this year raises questions about how workplaces can help protect their employees --- and deal with the ones who feel aggrieved. Larry Barton, a workplace violence consultant who works with companies to create firearms policies and other security policies, joined us to discuss some of the measures companies should consider taking. Below is an edited transcript and a link to the interview.
3. Six Risky Misconceptions about Workplace Violence
Knowledge is power. False knowledge exposes everyone to risk. This is especially true when evaluating your workplace for the risk of workplace violence. Misconceptions about workplace violence all too often lead to poor policies and decisions that can leave workplaces more exposed to dangers. Here are six common myths to consider regarding the potential for violence within your
4. The Threat of Violence -- A Reality in the Modern Workplace
Like it or not, every organization is vulnerable to workplace violence, regardless its size, type or location. An incident of workplace violence can be devastating to an organization---to employee safety and security, to employee morale, to employee retention and recruiting, and to its reputation and brand. Every organization must be aware of this risk, and every employee should understand their role in recognizing and reporting concerning behaviors.
5. How to protect employees from workplace violence
Workplace violence is serious. It can be dangerous and even fatal. Prevention is key to reducing its likelihood. One of the best ways business owners can help keep workers safe and protect their property is to make sure employees know how to manage a violence risk and respond appropriately if an incident occurs.
6. After Workplace Violence Incident, Mental Health Resources a Must
Violent incidents involving customers, co-workers or outside aggressors can leave workers who have experienced or witnessed attacks with depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. As they seek to help traumatized employees, companies can turn to specialty insurance coverages to pay for counseling. Whether they have coverage or not, experts advise employers to be ready to provide the resources employees need.
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