Business Continuity NewsBriefs - July 10, 2019
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered regularly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management.
Protecting Your Business from Identity Theft
July 10, 2019 - Corporate identity theft, which has been with us for years now, remains a huge threat as businesses continue to leave themselves vulnerable to this danger. Despite everything we do to protect our corporate identity, cyber thieves are continually discovering new ways to create havoc. Why should you worry? Identity theft can put your business - and you - at risk in many different ways. Check out these articles to learn how to protect your company or organization from identity theft.
"As problems like identity theft become more prevalent, now more than ever, Americans need to take their financial health seriously."
-- Ruben Hinojosa, former US Congressman --
1. Business Identity Theft Is on The Rise
Compared to how much we think about the problem of personal identity theft, business identity theft can seem almost like an afterthought---but it shouldn't be. Business identity theft has been going on for decades, but as time goes by and technology improves, the thieves get more advanced and the losses get worse. This is a threat that is ramping up.
2. Top Tips for Protecting Your Business from Identity Theft
With millions of people and businesses becoming the victim of identity fraud every year, and the financial losses of this adding up to billions of dollars (and rising), it is important for entrepreneurs to spend time and energy on protecting their assets, no matter how busy they may be. Read on for some tips you can follow today to help protect your business from identity theft.
3. How Your Organization Can Combat Identity Theft and Cybercrime in 2019
No one would argue that 2018 was a turbulent year for cybercrime and identity theft, impacting organizations of all shapes and sizes around the globe. From retailers to financial institutions, ecommerce to healthcare, no industry was left untouched. Awareness, combined with technological advances, are key for combatting how organizations can empower themselves -- and their employees -- to protect sensitive personal and company data.
4. Business Identity Theft Protection Guide
Business identity thieves and fraudsters are clever and determined, and can quickly take advantage of business owners that do not take basic precautions to protect their business. The following are some of the proactive actions that you and your employees can take to help prevent your business identity information from being used by criminals to steal from you or commit fraud in your name.
5. Business Identity Theft - Personal Risks for Business Owners and Officers
As a business owner, officer, director, or key executive, you have significantly increased risks over an average consumer because your personal information, credit, and finances are so closely intertwined with your business. If you are a small business owner, you and your business identity may be virtually one and the same - and anything that impacts your business directly impacts you.
6. How to Know If Your Business is a Victim of Cyber Crime
From identity theft to financial fraud, from hijacking your site in exchange for ransom money to attacking your site in an attempt to shut it down, one thing is true: There's no telling why cybercriminals might target your business. And to make matters worse, sometimes your organization comes under attack, and you don't even know it.
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