Business Continuity NewsBriefs - November 29, 2017
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management.

Preparing for Winter Weather

November 29, 2017 - You just never know what weather surprises Mother Nature has in store for the winter, so it's best to be as prepared as possible for whatever challenges arise. We all are familiar with some of the problems... blizzards that prevent employees from getting to work (or getting home); power losses that can span days; frozen pipes, flooding or other building damages; and more. If you haven't thought about what you might be facing this winter, these articles can help you figure out where your planning runs short and what you can do about it.

"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water." 
-- Carl Reiner --

1. Winter is coming: is your disaster recovery ready?

As thoughts of mulled wine, bobble hats and Yule Logs are top of mind for most, IT professionals in certain areas of the country are fraught with worry about the chaos winter weather can cause to their data center. The damage Mother Nature can inflict can often take a back seat to these more high profile causes of downtime, especially when it comes to disaster recovery planning.

2. Winter weather and business continuity: How effective is your remote access strategy?

In the past few seasons, winter has introduced us to some interesting new meteorological. Regardless of the vocabulary used to describe these events, the potential for severe winter weather provides an opportunity to review the viability of remote access as a business continuity strategy for your company and staff.

3. Winter Weather Precautions

The gusting winds, heavy snow, and freezing temperatures associated with winter are normal and often anticipated occurrences throughout most of the world's cold weather climates. However, not only cold weather locales are vulnerable to extreme winter weather losses. In fact, moderate climate regions not normally associated with harsh winter weather tend to suffer the most costly losses as they are typically unprepared to endure such conditions.

4. Weather Preparedness Tips: Don't Let Winter Weather Freeze Your Business

Depending upon where your business operates, winter weather is an unpredictable challenge that predictably arrives every year. In other words, we all know it is going to happen - we just don't know when or how hard it will hit. Taking a few precautions and making a clear weather safety plan now will keep your business ahead of whatever nature might throw your way.

5. Winter Weather Preparedness Checklist

To minimize damage and recover quicker following a winter storm situation, it is a good idea to develop a plan of action for your business and your staff to be ready for this type of interruption. This item includes a link to a checklist you can use to determine your readiness.

6. Severe weather and its increasing impact on business continuity

In the last century, there has been a marked increase not only in the number of natural disasters but in their total damage costs. Whether these are the result of human activity, climate change and global warming or a normal shift in the planet's evolution is still debated. Regardless, there is little doubt that organizations must deal with the consequences that these natural incidents have on day-to-day operations and most importantly, on the safety of their employees.

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