Business Continuity NewsBriefs - June 13, 2018
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Crisis Management.
Meetings/Events Risk and Mitigation
June 13, 2018 - Something always happens at events... you've had the experience yourself when something goes wrong, and a crisis ensues. So it's never a case of IF you need a mitigation plan, but how soon can you put one together. And these days, there are more new risks: data breaches, terror attacks, sexual harassment, disease, and others too numerous to mention. If you haven't sat down and considered your next event's vulnerability to various risks, it's time to do so now.
"You can never protect yourself 100%. What you do is protect yourself as much as possible and mitigate risk to an acceptable degree. You can never remove all risk."
-- Kevin Mitnick, American businessman --
1. The Three "A"s of Risk Management
You would never just order "food" for your event---you instead create detailed menus for every meal and break. But when it comes to event security, many just "layer in" security without defining what is required for that specific event or what exactly the security you hire is supposed to do. You have to approach security planning with a prevention mindset.
2. Mitigating Risk at Events and Conferences
When we talk about Risk Management for Events and Conferences, we need to explore a broad range of potential risks that threaten venues, attendees, suppliers, and the organizer. Risks threaten life, health, or security, but also property and finance. Depending on the size of the event planned, you might even consider retaining a specialist in Risk and Disaster Management to address possible risks.
3. 37 Ways to Mitigate Risk in Your Corporate Meetings & Events Program
The stakes of not managing meeting risks are high, as corporations leave themselves open to significant brand damage, financial penalties and losses, lawsuits, loss of competitive information, duty of care failures, employee safety and security, embezzlement, and bribery. Employees are at risk, damages can be in the millions, and the harm to a company's brand can be inestimable.
4. Meeting Planners Hone Their Risk Assessment Plans
Terrorist attacks and other events (fires, eruptions, etc.) have begun to occur even in places that once were considered safe. This means you have to have a current and robust plan to ensure the safety of attendees no matter where your event is held. But you can't function or live in fear. It's essential to strike a balance between maintaining calm and exercising caution.
5. Event Security Takes on Fresh Importance for Meeting Planners
Meeting planners face many challenges, but given growing safety threats across the world, event security has taken on newfound importance across the industry. Safety and security risks come from natural disasters, data security breaches, and even food safety issues. The most dramatic threats, however, can come from domestic and international terrorism, according to experts.
6. Sexual Harassment in the Meetings Industry
Since the business-events industry is female-dominated, you might think sexual harassment isn't an issue. But a Convene survey --- plus interviews with some of the respondents --- shows that's not the case at all.
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