Business Continuity NewsBriefs - May 17, 2017
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management.
Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Other Severe Weather
May 17, 2017 - Even though it seems that hurricane season 2016 just ended, 2017's season started in the eastern Pacific a couple of days ago and the central Pacific and Atlantic seasons will begin June 1. While predictions indicate a less active hurricane season, we need to remember that only one storm can wipe out a business or a community. How are your preparations coming? These articles may help you solidify your plans.
"All it takes is one storm like Superstorm Sandy to make landfall and, even in a hurricane season that may have been light, then you've got incredible losses. What I always tell people is: no matter what the forecast is, you need to be prepared."
-- Andrew Higgins, Allianz Risk Consulting --
1. The Importance of a Business Continuity Plan before a Hurricane
Hurricanes pretty much disrupt all life as we know it when they strike, and the larger the storm, the greater the disruption. Residents may be evacuated and remain displaced for days or even weeks, power outages may turn cities into ghost towns, and the damage left behind may take months or even years from which to recover. Businesses also stand to lose a great deal, if not everything, in the wake of a severe hurricane or tropical storm.
2. Commercial Hurricane Readiness: The Human Factor
The human factor in commercial hurricane readiness is critical, especially since damage from a hurricane may be widespread. The likelihood of damage is not limited to a commercial establishment or operations, but also extends to the community infrastructure, homes of employees, and services upon which all may depend. Employees often have to make choices between business needs and personal obligations following a hurricane. These may present obstacles or delays in fulfilling their employment responsibilities.
3. 2017 Hurricane Season Forecast to be Less Active
An early forecast from scientists at Colorado State University's (CSU) Tropical Meteorology Project says that a weak or moderate El Nino is likely by the height of the Atlantic hurricane season, which means that the 2017 Atlantic basin hurricane season will have slightly below average activity.
4. Business Continuity: Know the Most Likely Hazards to Your Business
Business owners know to buy insurance, but they might not be aware of all the hazards that could interrupt their business operations. In areas such as California, for example, hazards include earthquakes and forest fires. In the Midwest, those disasters are less likely to occur, but tornadoes and flooding are major concerns. Do you know the primary hazards in your area -- fires, a tornadoes, power outages or floods?
5. Dorothy's Got Nothing on You This Tornado Season
While tornado season theoretically ends at the end of June, early tornado reports are whirling in now that spring has finally arrived, and it's not looking pretty. In fact, as of last month, the country's preliminary tornado reports showed numbers well above average, according to The Weather Channel. Here's a closer look at the data to date, along with the reason for the rise in this dangerous weather phenomenon.
6. Water and Security: Flooding and Business Continuity
Three Pinkerton experts examine what overall impact flooding can have on a business. What many companies won't realize until it's too late is that employees are likely to choose to stay at their place of work instead of going home. Or, they can't get home. In either case, it means that far more people are depending on the company's facilities to survive. This can quickly become a bad situation for everyone.
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