Business Continuity NewsBriefs - December 12, 2018
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management.
Holiday Safety at Home and Work
December 12, 2018 - The holiday season is here and decorating, shopping, cooking, entertaining, eating and other holiday doings are on our to-do lists. We get so busy that we sometimes rush right by some of the important safety concerns of the holidays -- accidents, fires, stress, and other things. These articles are aimed at helping you ensure your safety and those of your family, friends, and co-workers so everyone can have happy holidays.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
-- Helen Keller --
1. Workplace holiday safety
With the holiday season underway, people are feeling festive -- including at work. But whether you're decorating your cubicle or taking part in the office potluck, safety should always remain a top priority. Safety+Health offers the following tips to help prevent injuries while celebrating on the job.
2. Holiday Fire Safety Tips
The winter holiday season is traditionally a festive and eventful time of year. Celebrations, family gatherings and visits from house guests traditionally increase in number during the season. Unfortunately, statistics show that incidents of home fires and electrical accidents typically increase during winter months. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 30 percent of home fire and 38 percent of home fire deaths occur during the months of December, January, and February.
3. It's the most dangerous time of the year: crime prevention tips to keep the holidays safe
SAN ANGELO --- It's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year --- unless you become the target of burglars and thieves. Nothing sucks the joy out of the holiday season like coming home to find the halls decked with shattered glass and your possessions stolen.
4. Seven Holiday Safety Concerns in the Workplace
As the winter holidays approach, employees tend to deal with more distractions than usual. Planning dinners, hosting out-of-town family members, purchasing gifts and figuring out the logistics of other festive activities can easily cause people's minds to wander when they're at work. From a health and safety perspective, it's worth considering how these issues affect workers on the floor, on site, on the road or at home.
5. 50 Ways to Have Your Healthiest Holiday Season Ever
Think it's impossible to stay sane, healthy, and happy during the holidays? Our experts show how to do exactly that---without swearing off eggnog and pumpkin pie.
6. 10 Tips for Surviving the Holidays
The holiday season can bring mixed emotions for many. For some, it's their favorite time of year. For others, it brings feelings of sadness and loss. Seeing old friends and family members may be exciting or may bring up memories of disappointments. Follow these tips to make the holidays more joyous.
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