Business Continuity NewsBriefs - August 30, 2017
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Crisis Management.

Employee Issues & Outcomes

August 30, 2017 - We all have seen how issues with some employees have resulted in shootings and other disruptions in the workplace. There have been eight workplace killings so far in 2017. Every employer should be invested in preventing such incidents and also in preventing issues that can land them in court for harassment and other problems. Hiring and firing have their own issues and can lead to problems down the road. Also, tracking employees online might cause issues. These articles provide some hints on how to deal with these issues and, hopefully, to avoid trouble.

"They may forget your name but they will never forget how you made them feel." 
-- Maya Angelou --

1. Problem Employees

Problem employees seem to exist for the sole purpose of giving HR and management a headache. They are everywhere and no organization is immune to them. At best, they are little more than time eaters who keep you from being as productive as you'd like. At worst, they can be a threat to the stability of your work environment.

2. When & How to Document Employee Issues

Documenting employee issues can feel overwhelming and frustrating; however it can help employees stay on track and support future employment decisions. This article addresses common questions about documenting personnel issues.

3. Five Most Common Employee Relations Issues & How to Handle Them

If you are a business owner or HR manager, you know that maintaining good employee relations is important to the success of your company. However, you probably also know from firsthand experience that there are many issues that can come up in the workplace. These issues can easily snowball into much larger problems.

4. Guidelines for Hiring or Firing Employees

There are numerous Federal, State and Local rules regarding hiring employees and most large companies maintain in-house legal counsel and human resource departments to deal with these rules. But, if you are a small company, these are unaffordable luxuries. So here are some simple common-sense guidelines for hiring or firing employees.

5. Firing the Violent or Threatening Employee without Being Fired On

The correct response to threats of workplace violence could prevent a tragedy and spare innocent lives. An improper response could well be the catalyst of a workplace disaster jeopardizing your own life and the lives of your fellow employees. At the very least, an improper response could subject you and your organization to legal liability on a number of charges.

6. Five Employee Tracking Issues to Overcome in 2017

Whether employees are using social media sites, checking emails, browsing the web or chatting with friends, all can have negative consequences on their productivity of your employee. In order to achieve your business goals, it is imperative that you establish an employee performance tracking mechanisms and hold employees accountable for their actions. In this article, we look at some of the major challenges companies face when tracking their employee's performance.

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