Business Continuity NewsBriefs - July 26, 2017
These NewsBriefs are produced and delivered weekly by Attainium to keep our friends and clients current on topics relating to Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Crisis Management.
Cloud Computing
July 26, 2017 - In a matter of years, cloud computing has become an option for many companies and for many reasons. Yet there is still only a fairly small percentage of folks who have parked their data in the cloud. Is it right for your company? This week we look at a number of issues that might affect your decision, from strategies to data risks to what to do if your provider goes bust to how to select that provider in the first place.
"The cloud services companies of all sizes... The cloud is for everyone. The cloud is a democracy."
-- Marc Benioff, Founder, CEO and Chairman of Salesforce --
1. Six trends shaping IT cloud strategies today
Cloud computing has helped many enterprises transform their IT practices over the past five years, but experts agree that the market is entering a second wave for public, private, and hybrid cloud services. With the increase of cloud services comes the need for enterprises to scale their compute resources to better serve customers,
2. Cloud Vs. On-Premises: Six Benefits Of Keeping Data Private
We can think of at least six reasons why you would want to store your data in a privately controlled data center rather than use a public cloud service. Let's gain an understanding of the on-premises vs. cloud debate, and see why some tech leaders advocate a hybrid model where both coexist.
3. Top Five Risks of Cloud Computing
IT firms are adopting and selling cloud services with abandon. Growth is over 100% for the past five years. While the cloud brings many benefits, many IT providers are aware of the risks in cloud computing and are charging ahead anyway.
4. Why your cloud strategy should include multiple vendors
For decades, enterprise computing environments have been composed of servers, storage, and networking equipment developed by different vendors. Those choices often hinged on the best products to power applications and data -- as well as the enticing volume discounts tossed into enterprise agreements. A similar scenario is playing out in cloud computing infrastructure, where CIOs are grappling with how to best architect systems for multi-vendor, hybrid cloud strategies.
5. How to Protect Your Business If Your Cloud Provider Goes Bust
Most people have experienced the negative aspect of "buyer beware" for themselves or when purchasing for their company. How can you minimize being left high and dry if a company you do business with goes bankrupt or becomes insolvent? The old adage "always prepare for the worst and hope for the best" remains true.
6. Eight criteria to ensure you select the right cloud service provider
As more and more IT systems are externalized, making sure you pick the right cloud providers has become critical to long-term success. The available market is vast, with a myriad of providers offering an even larger number of services. From market giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google through to smaller niche players offering bespoke services. So how do you select the right cloud provider from so many? The answer is a defined selection and procurement process appropriately weighted toward your unique set of needs.
7. A Case Study - What really happens when your cloud vendor goes out of business?
It's 2 pm on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, and the phone rings. It's your cloud vendor, letting you know that as of 5 pm, his company will cease to exist.
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